6 November: Places vs Environments

by - Sunday, November 06, 2011

Source: rum.blogg.se via Eragon on Pinterest

A place is a piece of the environment that has been claimed by feelings. Most of us love to travel and see many places, but there is no place like the place you truly know and love because you have lived there all your life. We are homesick for places, their sights and sounds and smells, not for environments. If we allow our place to speak to us we will know what it is offering, but if we don't do this we will simply be visiting, like people on a tour.

Nothing can cure the soul but the senses,
just as nothing can cure the senses but the soul. 

                                                              OSCAR WILDE
~Passage from Gardening the Soul by Sister Stan

I really have nothing to share except for today's beautiful daily thought  from Sister Stan's Gardening the Soul: Soothing Seasonal Thoughts for Jaded Modern Souls. It really is a beautiful reminder to inhale deeply all the sights and sounds of the "fishbowl" we live in.  If not, we we will always be travelers or visitors in our own homes and places.

On that note, may we allow our creative spaces talk to us and  may we always feel at home in our hearts and souls whatever the latitude.

Happy weekend!

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  1. I think about such things particularly when it gets colder out and I spend so much more time at home. It's so nice to put little, personalised touches to the home (a ribbon garland, a cork board with changing notes...). And I suppose there is something to be said for noticing the way our homes look at different times of the day. My favourite time is morning; I wake up earlier than I need to...
    Your post reminded me that we say "to make" a home - implying there we play an active part in having one.


Sweet! Your comment is appreciated!
