Holland Fabric House giveaway winner and my Hallo-win!

by - Sunday, November 01, 2009

Drum roll please! The winner of the Holland Fabric House sponsor giveaway is ...

Paula Clare who said:

"I SO LOVE this shop! I am thrilled to have found it! My faves are the Dutch Flowers and ribbon Patchwork fabric, little red riding hood, deer in love sewing tape, the mushroom iron on transfer...eek! I LOVE IT ALL! I will be tweeting this giveaway...fingers crossed! "

Congratulations Paula Clare! You get to choose two (2) meters of ribbon and two (2) fat quarters of yummy fabrics that you fancy from Noor's shop Holland Fabric House. Kindly email me back your shipping address so your Dutch goodies can be posted to you soon! Thank you to all who participated. Thank you Holland Fabric House! I will be back next week with a cool giveaway from another lovely ETSY shop Christina's. The holiday season has arrived and indeed, tis' the season for giveaways and discovering handmade shops!
Meanwhile, halloween is a lucky time for me, at least this year! Look at what I won today! It's an uber stylish Echino Tiger Raglan Guld Tote!

Thank you Leonie! Thank you Raglan Guld! Yes, I'm grinning from ear to ear. The tote is gorgeous and I love love it! If you want Ruglan Guld gear you can visit the Raglan Guld Big Cartel Shop or the Raglan Guld Website. Also check out the Oxfam "Piglet" Knitting/Crochet Bag! All proceeds from the sale of the bag will be donated to Oxfam, who will use the donation to purchase a piglet to help a family in a third world country.

Oh, the 3-day Halloween Sale of my just opened ETSY shop ends tomorrow. Everything is 20% off! It's a good deal if you're looking for some sweet stocking stuffers! It's going to be my last shop sale for the rest of the year.

Tomorrow is my birthday too! I'll be taking a little break after that. See you soon!

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